Jun 12, 2022

Life Update: How the Semester Ended

Well my Spring semester has officially come to a close, and after taking two weeks to reset my mindset, I am here with a quick update.

Overall, taking six online classes actually went pretty smoothly! I did hit a bit of a hiccup during midterms, but that's because I decided to take an impromptu trip to visit family in Missouri. While it did have me stressed about my grades and how my final exams were going to go, as it turns out- I didn't have to stress as much as I thought I needed to.

It reminded me that life has a funny way of working itself out, whether we see it right away or can appreciate it in hindsight- we are always right where we are meant to be, in order for us to become who we are meant to be.

So, here I am, with the summer ahead of me. My goal for this summer are to buckle down and focus on growing this space and setting the foundation for what I want Noodles & Couture to be. I wish that I had more planned for this summer, I will be seeing family in August which I am extremely excited about! Not much else is happening before then, maybe I will catch a few summer films. As we are all aware, gas prices are insane right now and kind of limits our local travels.

In the meantime, you can find me here, sharing my boring summer days and random thoughts with all of you! :)

Final Grades: C, B-, A, A,- A, B-